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发布人:春秋智谷  /  发布时间:2018-04-16 15:18:17  

Nrrr. 9870, dated 4.2.2008 
LAW ON STANDARDIZATIONBased on Articles 78 and 83, point 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, 
with the proposal of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament of the Republic of Albania
Chapter I 
Article 1 
The objective and aims 
1. The objective of this law is to establish rules and procedures for: 
a) Development of all national standardization activities; 
b) Establishing and functioning of the General Directorate of Standardization, as 
the National Standards Body in Albania, hereinafter referred to as “DPS”. 
2. The aim of this law is to improve the existed legal framework in the field of 
standardization including the development of Albanian standards, publication, and their 
Article 2 
1. This law shall apply to developing and adopting  standards in the field of 
engineering, transport, food and agriculture, units and measurements. 
2. This law shall not apply to standards, developed and approved in companies, 
agencies and organizations or other sectors of the  economy, as well as to 
telecommunication standards, which the relevant entity of telecommunication is 
responsible for.   
Article 3 
Definitions 2
For the purpose of this Law, the following meanings shall apply: 
1. “Standardization” is the activity of establishing, with regard to actual or 
potential problems, provisions for common and repeated use, aimed at the achievement 
of the optimum degree of order in a given context. In particular, the activity consists of 
the processes of formulating, issuing and implementing standards. The standardization 
is a voluntary activity, as a result of the consensus, achieved by and for own target 
groups and based on openness and transparency. 
2. “National Standards Body” standards body recognized at the national level that 
is eligible to be the national member of the corresponding international and regional 
standards organizations. 
3. “International Standards Organization” standards organization to whose 
membership is open to the relevant national body from every country. 
4. “European Standards Organization” the European   Committee for 
Standardization (CEN), the European  Committee for  Standardization in the field of 
Electrotechnical (CENELEC) and the European Telecommunications Standards 
Institute  (ETSI). 
5. “Standard” a voluntary document, established by consensus and approved 
by a recognized standards body, that provides, for  common and repeated use, rules, 
guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement 
of the optimum degree of order in a given context. 
6. “International Standard” every standard that is  adopted by an international 
standardization organization and made available to the public. 
7. “European standard” (EN) every voluntary standard that is adopted by one of 
the European standardization organizations and made available to the public. 
8. “Harmonization Document” (HD) a voluntary normative document adopted by 
one of the European Standardization Organisations,  with an obligation of 
implementation of the technical content in Albania  and withdrawal of conflicting 
national standards and normative documents.
9. “Harmonized Standard” a European Standard (EN) or Harmonization 
Document (HD), adopted by one of the European Standardization Organisations, 
following a mandate issued by the European Commission after consultation with 
Member States, the reference numbers of which have  been published in the Official 
Gazette of the European Union.  
10. “Albanian Standard” every standard approved by DPS, in conformity with the 
provisions of this law and marked with letters (S SH). 
11. “Harmonised Albanian Standard” an Albanian Standard transposing a 
European Harmonised Standard, in support to technical regulations.  
12. “Standardization Document” a document, adopted  by European and 
international organizations on standardization, such as a Technical Specification, 
Technical Report, Manual or Workshop Agreement, and made available to the public. 
13. “Standards Programme” working schedule of standardization body that lists 
its current items of standardization work in a defined period of time. 
14. “Indicative reference to standards” a reference to one or more standards in 
place, providing that one of the ways to comply with the provisions of a regulation is 
the implementation of that standard, which is commonly referred to in the annex of the 
regulation.  3
Article 4 
The principles of the national standardization activity  
The principles of the national standardization activity are: 
a) The right of voluntary participation of all interested parties in the preparation, 
approval and adoption of Albanian Standards, and their voluntary implementation; 
b) Consensus of the interested parties on the content of Albanian Standards; 
c) Transparency of work in all stages of standardization work through 
publications and information of public; 
ç) Preventing that individual interests prevail over common ones; 
d) Participation in the European and international  standardization work and the 
implementation of their standards as Albanian ones.
Article 5 
Aims of standardization activity 
The aims of the standardization activity comprise: 
a) Enhancing the safety level of products and processes, protecting the health and 
lives of persons and the environment, supporting the conformity with legislation in 
regard to requirements for safeguarding and improvements of quality of life, safety of 
health, protection of environment and consumers, providing in that manner common 
b) Promotion the quality of products, processes and services; 
c) Ensuring the efficient use of labour, materials and energy; 
ç)  Improving the efficiency of production, variety control, ensuring compatibility 
and interchange ability; 
d)  Removing technical barriers in international trade. 
Article 6 
Identification of Albanian Standards 
1. Albanian Standards shall be identified by a letter and numerical designation. 
The letter designation shall consist of the letters "S SH" or a combination of the letters 
"S SH" and other letters designations, in the cases of implementation of European or 
International Standards. The numerical designation  shall consist of the number of the 
standard and the year of its approval or implementation. 
2. These designations shall not be used for standards  other than Albanian 
Article 7 
Application of Albanian Standards 
1. Application of Albanian Standards shall be voluntary. 4
2. Albanian Standards are the same for all legal and/or natural persons, domestic 
or foreigners, which exercise economical activity in the Republic of Albania. 
3. A regulation, which contains technical requirements, may make reference to 
Albanian Standards and/or parts of Albanian Standards only when such regulations 
implement European Union directives. Such standards shall be referred to as 
“Harmonized Albanian Standards”.  
4. Harmonized Albanian Standards, approved by DPS, after consultations and 
with the proposal of the line ministries and other  executive authorities, shall be 
proposed to the Council of Ministers for approval with a list with relevant technical 
regulation. The list of Harmonized Albanian Standards and every amendment of them 
shall be published in the Official Gazette. Every legal reference to Harmonized 
Albanian Standards shall have indicative characteristic.   
5. The executive authorities that develop regulations  containing references to 
Albanian Standards and/or parts of Albanian Standards for implementation at national 
level shall cooperate with DPS relating to the reference manner. 
6. A regulation shall make reference to Albanian Standards, which adopt 
European or international standards, only when they have been implemented and 
published as Albanian Standards in one of its publication documents. 
Chapter II 
Article 8 
National Standardization Body 
1. The General Directorate of Standardization is the National Standards Body in 
the Republic of Albania for the development, adoption, approval and the publication of 
standards in all sectors except for those in the telecommunications field. 
2. DPS is legal person, public one, depending on the minister responsible for 
economy with it’s headquarter in Tirana. 
3. DPS is controlled by the General Director, who is appointed and dismissed by
the minister responsible for economy.  
4. The structure and organization chart of DPS is proposed by the minister 
responsible for economy and approved by the Prime minister. The employment of the 
DPS’ staff is regulated by the Code of Labour, relevant legislation in place and the inF
house regulations of DPS.   
5. DPS is the WTO National Notification Authority and WTO National Enquiry 
Point for technical standards, regulations and the procedures of conformity assessment 
with an impact in trade. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection is 
the WTO National Notification Authority and WTO National Enquiry Point  for 
Sanitary and Phitosanitary Measures with an impact in trade.   
National Notification Authority, during practising  of this function shall 
periodically inform the WTO unit at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, for 
each notification carried out. 
6. DPS is a budgetary institution, with its own budget. DPS shall use the incomes 5
gained by its services according to the legal framework in place. 
Article 9 
DPS represents the Republic of Albania in European and international standards 
organizations, such as International Standardization Organization (ISO), International 
Commission of Electrotechnical (IEC), European Standardization Committee (CEN) 
and European Standardization Committee in the field of Electrotechnical (CENELEC). 
Article 10 
Governing bodies 
1. Governing bodies of DPS shall be the Managing Board and the Gen
Nrrr. 9870, dated 4.2.2008 
LAW ON STANDARDIZATIONBased on Articles 78 and 83, point 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, 
with the proposal of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament of the Republic of Albania
Chapter I 
Article 1 
The objective and aims 
1. The objective of this law is to establish rules and procedures for: 
a) Development of all national standardization activities; 
b) Establishing and functioning of the General Directorate of Standardization, as 
the National Standards Body in Albania, hereinafter referred to as “DPS”. 
2. The aim of this law is to improve the existed legal framework in the field of 
standardization including the development of Albanian standards, publication, and their 
Article 2 
1. This law shall apply to developing and adopting  standards in the field of 
engineering, transport, food and agriculture, units and measurements. 
2. This law shall not apply to standards, developed and approved in companies, 
agencies and organizations or other sectors of the  economy, as well as to 
telecommunication standards, which the relevant entity of telecommunication is 
responsible for.   
Article 3 
Definitions 2
For the purpose of this Law, the following meanings shall apply: 
1. “Standardization” is the activity of establishing, with regard to actual or 
potential problems, provisions for common and repeated use, aimed at the achievement 
of the optimum degree of order in a given context. In particular, the activity consists of 
the processes of formulating, issuing and implementing standards. The standardization 
is a voluntary activity, as a result of the consensus, achieved by and for own target 
groups and based on openness and transparency. 
2. “National Standards Body” standards body recognized at the national level that 
is eligible to be the national member of the corresponding international and regional 
standards organizations. 
3. “International Standards Organization” standards organization to whose 
membership is open to the relevant national body from every country. 
4. “European Standards Organization” the European   Committee for 
Standardization (CEN), the European  Committee for  Standardization in the field of 
Electrotechnical (CENELEC) and the European Telecommunications Standards 
Institute  (ETSI). 
5. “Standard” a voluntary document, established by consensus and approved 
by a recognized standards body, that provides, for  common and repeated use, rules, 
guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the achievement 
of the optimum degree of order in a given context. 
6. “International Standard” every standard that is  adopted by an international 
standardization organization and made available to the public. 
7. “European standard” (EN) every voluntary standard that is adopted by one of 
the European standardization organizations and made available to the public. 
8. “Harmonization Document” (HD) a voluntary normative document adopted by 
one of the European Standardization Organisations,  with an obligation of 
implementation of the technical content in Albania  and withdrawal of conflicting 
national standards and normative documents.
9. “Harmonized Standard” a European Standard (EN) or Harmonization 
Document (HD), adopted by one of the European Standardization Organisations, 
following a mandate issued by the European Commission after consultation with 
Member States, the reference numbers of which have  been published in the Official 
Gazette of the European Union.  
10. “Albanian Standard” every standard approved by DPS, in conformity with the 
provisions of this law and marked with letters (S SH). 
11. “Harmonised Albanian Standard” an Albanian Standard transposing a 
European Harmonised Standard, in support to technical regulations.  
12. “Standardization Document” a document, adopted  by European and 
international organizations on standardization, such as a Technical Specification, 
Technical Report, Manual or Workshop Agreement, and made available to the public. 
13. “Standards Programme” working schedule of standardization body that lists 
its current items of standardization work in a defined period of time. 
14. “Indicative reference to standards” a reference to one or more standards in 
place, providing that one of the ways to comply with the provisions of a regulation is 
the implementation of that standard, which is commonly referred to in the annex of the 
regulation.  3
Article 4 
The principles of the national standardization activity  
The principles of the national standardization activity are: 
a) The right of voluntary participation of all interested parties in the preparation, 
approval and adoption of Albanian Standards, and their voluntary implementation; 
b) Consensus of the interested parties on the content of Albanian Standards; 
c) Transparency of work in all stages of standardization work through 
publications and information of public; 
ç) Preventing that individual interests prevail over common ones; 
d) Participation in the European and international  standardization work and the 
implementation of their standards as Albanian ones.
Article 5 
Aims of standardization activity 
The aims of the standardization activity comprise: 
a) Enhancing the safety level of products and processes, protecting the health and 
lives of persons and the environment, supporting the conformity with legislation in 
regard to requirements for safeguarding and improvements of quality of life, safety of 
health, protection of environment and consumers, providing in that manner common 
b) Promotion the quality of products, processes and services; 
c) Ensuring the efficient use of labour, materials and energy; 
ç)  Improving the efficiency of production, variety control, ensuring compatibility 
and interchange ability; 
d)  Removing technical barriers in international trade. 
Article 6 
Identification of Albanian Standards 
1. Albanian Standards shall be identified by a letter and numerical designation. 
The letter designation shall consist of the letters "S SH" or a combination of the letters 
"S SH" and other letters designations, in the cases of implementation of European or 
International Standards. The numerical designation  shall consist of the number of the 
standard and the year of its approval or implementation. 
2. These designations shall not be used for standards  other than Albanian 
Article 7 
Application of Albanian Standards 
1. Application of Albanian Standards shall be voluntary. 4
2. Albanian Standards are the same for all legal and/or natural persons, domestic 
or foreigners, which exercise economical activity in the Republic of Albania. 
3. A regulation, which contains technical requirements, may make reference to 
Albanian Standards and/or parts of Albanian Standards only when such regulations 
implement European Union directives. Such standards shall be referred to as 
“Harmonized Albanian Standards”.  
4. Harmonized Albanian Standards, approved by DPS, after consultations and 
with the proposal of the line ministries and other  executive authorities, shall be 
proposed to the Council of Ministers for approval with a list with relevant technical 
regulation. The list of Harmonized Albanian Standards and every amendment of them 
shall be published in the Official Gazette. Every legal reference to Harmonized 
Albanian Standards shall have indicative characteristic.   
5. The executive authorities that develop regulations  containing references to 
Albanian Standards and/or parts of Albanian Standards for implementation at national 
level shall cooperate with DPS relating to the reference manner. 
6. A regulation shall make reference to Albanian Standards, which adopt 
European or international standards, only when they have been implemented and 
published as Albanian Standards in one of its publication documents. 
Chapter II 
Article 8 
National Standardization Body 
1. The General Directorate of Standardization is the National Standards Body in 
the Republic of Albania for the development, adoption, approval and the publication of 
standards in all sectors except for those in the telecommunications field. 
2. DPS is legal person, public one, depending on the minister responsible for 
economy with it’s headquarter in Tirana. 
3. DPS is controlled by the General Director, who is appointed and dismissed by
the minister responsible for economy.  
4. The structure and organization chart of DPS is proposed by the minister 
responsible for economy and approved by the Prime minister. The employment of the 
DPS’ staff is regulated by the Code of Labour, relevant legislation in place and the inF
house regulations of DPS.   
5. DPS is the WTO National Notification Authority and WTO National Enquiry 
Point for technical standards, regulations and the procedures of conformity assessment 
with an impact in trade. The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Protection is 
the WTO National Notification Authority and WTO National Enquiry Point  for 
Sanitary and Phitosanitary Measures with an impact in trade.   
National Notification Authority, during practising  of this function shall 
periodically inform the WTO unit at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, for 
each notification carried out. 
6. DPS is a budgetary institution, with its own budget. DPS shall use the incomes 5
gained by its services according to the legal framework in place. 
Article 9 
DPS represents the Republic of Albania in European and international standards 
organizations, such as International Standardization Organization (ISO), International 
Commission of Electrotechnical (IEC), European Standardization Committee (CEN) 
and European Standardization Committee in the field of Electrotechnical (CENELEC). 
Article 10 
Governing bodies 
1. Governing bodies of DPS shall be the Managing Board and the Gen
