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Korea - Labour Law - Act on Collection of Insurance Premiums, etc., Employment Insurance and Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Chapter 4, Article 33 to Article 37

发布人:春秋智谷  /  发布时间:2021-03-16 14:57:12  


Article 33 (Insurance Business Agencies)(1) An organization consisting of business owners, etc. established under the relevant Special Act; a corporation established with permission from the Minister of Employment and Labor under Article 32 of the Civil Act; or any other corporation, certified public labor practitioner, or tax accountant meeting the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree (hereinafter referred to as "corporation, etc.") may conduct business related to insurance (hereinafter referred to as "insurance business") delegated by business owners on their behalf, which such business owners must perform for local labor and employment agencies or COMWEL, such as reporting insurance premiums and reporting the insured for

employment insurance. In such cases, the scope of business owners eligible to delegate insurance business and the scope of business eligible to be delegated to a corporation, etc., shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.  <Amended by Act No. 10339, Jun. 4, 2010; Act No. 12526, Mar. 24, 2014>

(2) Where a corporation, etc. intends to conduct insurance business pursuant to paragraph (1), it shall obtain authorization from COMWEL, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.

(3) Where a corporation etc. that has obtained authorization pursuant to paragraph (2) (hereinafter referred to as "insurance business agency") intends to change any authorized matters, it shall obtain authorization from COMWEL if they are matters prescribed by Presidential Decree, such as the area subject to delegation; and shall file a report with COMWEL if they are matters prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, such as the location.  <Amended by Act No. 10339, Jun. 4, 2010>

(4) Where an insurance business agency intends to discontinue all or part of the business referred to in paragraph (1), it shall report to COMWEL thereon.

(5) Where an insurance business agency is deemed to manage insurance business unlawfully or unduly, or to neglect to manage such business, COMWEL may revoke its authorization referred to in paragraph (2).

[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 9896, Dec. 30, 2009]

Article 34 (Notice to Insurance Business Agencies)COMWEL shall give notice, etc. on the payment of any insurance premium and other money collectable under this Act to the relevant insurance business agency, in lieu of such notice to the relevant business owner.

[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 9896, Dec. 30, 2009]

Article 35 (Obligations of Insurance Business Agencies)Where COMWEL collects additional dues referred to in Article 24, arrears referred to in Article 25, or the equivalent of industrial accident insurance benefits referred to in Article 26, the relevant insurance business agency shall make payment to the extent that it is responsible, if a cause to collect such money is attributable to the insurance business agency.

[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 9896, Dec. 30, 2009]

Article 36 (Keeping, etc. of Books by Insurance Business Agencies)An insurance business agency shall keep books stating matters concerning insurance business or other documents at its office, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.

[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 9896, Dec. 30, 2009]

Article 37 (Subsidization, etc. for Insurance Business Agencies)Where an insurance business agency conducts business on behalf of business owners pursuant to Article 33 (1), COMWEL may subsidize collection expenses or grant other subsidies to such insurance business agency, as prescribed by Presidential Decree.

[This Article Wholly Amended by Act No. 9896, Dec. 30, 2009]