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South Korea-Labor Law-Enforcement Order of the "Act on Improving Employment", ETC. Construction worker execution date is July 9, 2019

发布人:春秋智谷  /  发布时间:2021-04-12 08:50:48  

This English statute is provided by the Korea Legislative Research Institute and is a reference material to enhance the understanding of Korean statutes, and has no legal or official effect.


[Enforcement Date 09. Jul, 2019.] [Presidential Decree No.29972, 09. Jul, 2019., Amendment by Other Act]

Ministry of Employment and Labor (Regional Industrial Employment Policy Division) , 044-202-7405


Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Decree is to prescribe matters delegated by the Act on the Employment Improvement, etc. of Construction Workers and matters necessary for the enforcement thereof.


Article 2 (Definition of Construction Business) "Construction business prescribed by Presidential Decree" in subparagraph 1 of Article 2 of the Act on the Employment Improvement, etc. of Construction Workers (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") means the construction business listed in the Korean Standard Industrial Classification publicly announced by the Commissioner of the Statistics Korea pursuant to the Statistics Act.


Article 3 (Modification of Important Matters of Master Plans) "Important matters of the master plan prescribed by Presidential Decree" in the latter part of Article 3 (3) of the Act means the following:


1. Matters concerning vocational training of technical human resources in construction;


2. Matters concerning the installation of employment promotion facilities for construction workers.


Article 3-2 (Designation of and Reporting on Persons Responsible for Employment Management) (1) In accordance with the main sentence of the part other than the subparagraphs of Article 5 (1) of the Act, a business owner shall designate a person to be responsible for employment management by place for business from among the employer defined in Article 2 (1) 2 of the Labor Standards Act or workers working at the relevant place for business.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24155, Oct. 29, 2012>


(2) "Places for business which do not exceed a scale prescribed by Presidential Decree" in the proviso to the part other than the subparagraphs of Article 5 (1) of the Act means places for business where a construction work, the total cost of which is less than two billion won, is being conducted.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 25840, Dec. 9, 2014>


(3) A person responsible for employment management may perform other duties to the extent not hindering the performance of his/her duties prescribed in Article 5 (1) of the Act.


(4) When a business owner files a report on the acquisition of insured status under Article 15 of the Employment Insurance Act, he/she shall also report the name, position, and details of the duties of a person responsible for employment management.


[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011]


Article 3-3 (Support for Improvement etc. in Employment of Construction Workers) Pursuant to Article 7 (2) of the Act, the Minister of Employment and Labor shall entrust the business referred to in the subparagraphs of Article 7 (1) of the Act to any of the following corporations or organizations:


1. The Mutual-Aid Association for Construction Workers under Article 9 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Mutual-Aid Association");


2. The Human Resources Development Service of Korea under the Human Resources Development Service of Korea Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Human Resources Development Service of Korea");


3. Business owners' organization or workers' organization related to construction business which meet the requirements for provision of support for employment under the Employment Security Act or other statutes or regulations, determined and publicly notified by the Minister of Employment and Labor;


4. Other non-profit organizations that the Minister of Employment and Labor determines and publicly notifies to improve employment of construction workers.


(2) Where the Minister of Employment and Labor entrusts business under paragraph (1), he/she shall publish institutions entrusted with such business and the details of affairs entrusted on the website or in the Official Gazette of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.


[This Article Wholly Amended by Presidential Decree No. 29972, Jul. 9, 2019]


Article 4 (Scale of Construction Works Obligated to Build, etc. Convenient Facilities Related to Employment) Construction works for which it is obligatory to build such facilities as lavatories, mess halls, dressing rooms, etc. or to take measures to use such facilities shall be the construction works, the estimated construction cost (where any construction sites are divided into two or more sites, referring to the estimated construction cost of respective site out of the total estimated construction cost) of which is at least 100 million won.


Article 5 (Execution of Mutual-Aid Business) (1) "Mutual-aid association and the organization of business owners related to construction business prescribed by Presidential Decree" in Article 8 of the Act means any of the following persons:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22269, Jul. 12, 2010; Presidential Decree No. 27444, Aug. 11, 2016>


1.A constructors' association established under Article 50 of the Framework Act on the Construction Industry;


2. A mutual-aid association established under Article 54 of the Framework Act on the Construction Industry;


3. A housing managers' organization established under Article 85 of the Housing Act;


4.Other mutual-aid associations and business owners' organizations related to construction business established with permission, authorization, etc. granted under other Acts and designated by the Minister of Employment and Labor following consultation with the heads of competent administrative agencies.


(2) "Person who meets the standards prescribed by Presidential Decree" in Article 8 of the Act means a mutual-aid association or business owners' organization referred to in subparagraphs of paragraph (1), where at least one-third of persons eligible to subscribe to the relevant mutual-aid association or business owners' organization are members thereof.


Article 5-2 (Matters to be Entered in Articles of Association) Matters to be included in the articles of association of the Mutual-Aid Association under Article 9 (4) of the Act shall be as follows:


1. Objectives;


2. Name;


3. Matters concerning the establishment and operation of the principal office and branch offices;


4. Matters concerning the board of directors of the Mutual-Aid Association (hereinafter referred to as "board of directors");


5. Matters concerning executives and employees;


6. Matters concerning composition and organization;


7. Matters concerning internal audit and external audits;


8. Matters concerning the scope and details of business, and the performance thereof;


9. Matters concerning assets and finance;


10. Matters concerning the amendment of the articles of association;


11. Matters concerning the dissolution and disposal of remaining property;


12. Matters concerning the method of public notice;


13. Other matters concerning the operation of the Mutual-Aid Association.


[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011]


Article 5-3 (Request for Checking of Data) The Multi-Aid Association may request the following institutions to ascertain data related to the issuance of certificates of career experience under Article 9-3 (2) of the Act:


1.The Korea Employment Information Service under Article 18 of the Framework Act on Employment Policy: Verification of records on work experience and vocational training of persons insured by the employment insurance;


2. The Human Resources Development Service of Korea: Verification of whether any qualification certificate is issued to a construction worker;


3. Other institutions deemed to have data requiring verification in order to verify the work experience of a construction worker.


[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011]


Article 5-4 (Composition of Board of Directors) (1) The board of directors shall be comprised of the following directors:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24447, Mar. 23, 2013>


1. The chairperson of the Mutual-Aid Association (hereinafter referred to as the "chairperson");


2.One person in a position each designated by the Minister of Employment and Labor and the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, respectively, from among public officials who belong to the Senior Civil Service;


3. Not exceeding five persons who are the heads of mutual-aid associations and business owners' organizations related to construction business prescribed by the articles of association of the Mutual-Aid Association;


4. Not exceeding two experts recommended following consultation between the heads of the mutual-aid associations and business owners' associations referred to in subparagraph 3;


5. Not exceeding three experts recommended by the Minister of Employment and Labor and not exceeding three experts recommended by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport;


6. Not exceeding two experts recommended by a labor union which is a nationwide confederation of organization;


7.Persons who have engaged in the affairs related to construction industry or labor for at least 15 years and are commissioned by the board of directors in recognition of their expertise.


(2) The appointment of directors who fall under paragraph (1) 4 through 7 shall undergo the deliberation and resolution of the board of directors under Article 9-4 (1) 3 of the Act.


(3) The chairperson and directors who fall under paragraph (1) 7 shall work full-time.


(4) An expert referred to in paragraph (1) 4 through 6 shall be any of the following persons:


1.Any person who has majored in studies related to the construction industry, social insurance, labor, or finance, and has served as at least an associate professor, associate research commissioner or holds a position corresponding thereto at a college referred to in subparagraphs 1 through 6 of Article 2 of the Higher Education Act or at a government-invested research institution defined in Article 2 of the Act on the Establishment, Operation and Fostering of Government-Funded Research Institutes;


2.Any person who has served as a lawyer or certified public accountant for at least three years with the qualifications therefor;


3. Any person who has performed research in a field related to construction industry or construction labor at a private research institute for at least three years;


4.Any person who has performed affairs related to construction industry or construction labor for at least three years at a non-profit corporation.


[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011]


Article 5-5 (Operation of Board of Directors) (1) A meeting of the board of directors shall be convoked by the chairperson of the board of directors (hereinafter referred to as the "chairperson") when he/she deems it necessary or if requested by at least one third of incumbent directors.


(2) The resolution of a meeting of the board of directors shall require the attendance of a majority of all incumbent members and the consent of a majority of those present.


(3) Where necessary to perform its duties, the board of directors may request any executive, employee, etc. of the Mutual-Aid Association to appear, submit data or state their opinions.


(4) If the chairperson is unable to perform any of his/her duties due to any extenuating circumstance, a director designated by the chairperson shall act on behalf of him/her.


(5) Matters necessary for the operation of the board of directors, other than those prescribed in paragraphs (1) through (4), shall be prescribed by the articles of association.


[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011]


Article 6 (Persons subject to Ipso Facto Subscription to Mutual-Aid for Retirement) "Construction works prescribed by Presidential Decree" in the former part of Article 10 (1) of the Act means electrical construction works under the Electrical Construction Business Act, an information and communications construction work under the Information and Communications Construction Business Act, a fire-fighting system installation work under the Fire-Fighting System Installation Business Act, or a cultural heritage repair work under the Act on Cultural Heritage Maintenance Works, which falls under any of the following projects:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011>


1.A project ordered by the State or a local government, the estimated cost (in the case of a long-term continuing contract under Article 21 of the Act on Contracts to which the State is a Party, referring to the estimated cost of the relevant work) of which is at least 300 million won;


2.A project ordered by a corporation invested or contributed to by the State or a local government (including a corporation to which the relevant corporation has reinvested at least 50 percent of the paid-in capital), the estimate cost of which is at least 300 million won;


3.A public-private partnership project under subparagraph 5 of Article 2 of the Act on Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure, the estimated cost of which is at least 300 million won;


4.A project, the estimated cost of which is at least 10 billion won.


Article 7 (Criteria for Approval of Mutual-Aid Association) The criteria for approval of an application under which the Mutual-Aid Association approves the application of an original contractor to deem a subcontractor as the business owner under the latter part of Article 10 (1 ) of the Act shall be as follows:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011>


1.The subcontractor shall be any of the following persons:


(a) A constructor under the Framework Act on the Construction Industry;


(b) A constructor under the Electrical Construction Business Act;


(c) An information and communications construction business operator under the Information and Communications Construction Business Act;


(d) A fire-fighting system business operator under the Fire-Fighting System Installation Business Act;


(e) A cultural heritage repair business entity under the Act on Cultural Heritage Maintenance, Etc.;


2. The cost of the subcontract works shall be at least one billion won;


3. Matters concerning the payment of mutual-aid installments between the original contractor and the subcontractor, shall be stipulated in the subcontract;


4. Expenses incurred in subscribing to the retirement mutual-aid shall be stipulated on the specifications of computing the amount of subcontract.


Article 8 (Subscription, etc. to Mutual-Aid for Retirement) (1) "Date of commencement of such construction work" in the former part of Article 10 (1) of the Act means the actual commencement date of the relevant construction works.


(2) "Date of completion of construction works" in Article 10 (5) of the Act means the actual completion date of the relevant work.


Article 9 (Submission, etc. of Certificate of Payment of Mutual-Aid Installments) (1) A person who has placed an order for construction works under Article 10 (1) of the Act or a person who has granted approval for a project plan under Article 15 (1) of the Housing Act (hereinafter referred to as "person who placed order, etc.") may request the business owner of the construction work to submit a certificate of payment of mutual-aid installments issued by the Mutual- Aid Association.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 27444, Aug. 11, 2016>


(2) A person who placed an order, etc. shall confirm the certificate of payment of mutual-aid installments received under paragraph (1); and if the amount stated on the certificate of payment of mutual-aid installments (where the amount stipulated on the specifications for computing the contract amount is different from the amount of mutual-aid installments calculated by the person who placed order, referring to the amount of mutual-aid installments calculated by the person who placed an order) exceeds the amount of mutual-aid installments actually paid by the business owner subscribed to mutual-aid for retirement (hereinafter referred to as "business owner subscribed to mutual-aid") , the excess amount shall be settled.


Article 10 (Requirements for Voluntary Subscription to Mutual-Aid for Retirement) "Business owner who meets the requirements prescribed by Presidential Decree" in the former part of Article 10 (2) of the Act means any of the following persons:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011>


1.A constructor under the Framework Act on the Construction Industry;


2. A constructor under the Electrical Construction Business Act;


3. An information and communications construction business operator under the Information and Communications Construction Business Act;


4. A fire-fighting system business operator under the Fire-Fighting System Installation Business Act;


5.A cultural heritage repair business entity under the Act on Cultural Heritage Maintenance, etc.


Article 11 (Scope of Persons Unable to Become Beneficiaries) "Person prescribed by Presidential Decree" in subparagraph 2 of Article 11 of the Act means any of the following persons:


1.A regular worker employed without a fixed period;


2.A worker employed for fixed period of at least one year.


Article 12 (Mutual-Aid Installments) (1) A business owner who has subscribed to mutual-aid under Article 13 of the Act shall submit a report (including an electronic document) specifying working days of each beneficiary in each month and the amount of mutual-aid installments paid to the Mutual-Aid Association, not later than the 15th day of the following month, along with a document evidencing the payment of the mutual-aid installments.


(2) The standards for calculation of working days under paragraph (1) shall be prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Employment and Labor, and the amount of mutual-aid installments shall be determined by the Mutual-Aid Association with the approval of the Minister of Employment and Labor at least 1,000 won but not exceeding 5,000 won.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22269, Jul. 12, 2010>


(3) Where any mistake or error is found in a report submitted under paragraph (1), the business owner who has subscribed to mutual-aid shall submit a correction report (including a report in electronic form) to the Mutual-Aid Association without delay.


(4) The Mutual-Aid Association shall obtain approval from the Minister of Employment and Labor for a business operation plan which affects mutual-aid installments and the operating profit thereof.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22269, Jul. 12, 2010>


Article 13 (Payment of Mutual-Aid Money for Retirement) (1) The amount of mutual aid money for retirement under Article 14 (1) of the Act shall be an amount calculated by adding interest to the amount of mutual-aid installments paid under Article 12 (including mutual-aid installments subsidized under Article 7 (5) of the Act, but excluding additional money; hereinafter the same shall apply).  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011>


(2) Where any beneficiary who has paid mutual-aid installments for at least 48 months retires from construction business, the Mutual-Aid Association may pay him/her special mutual-aid money for retirement determined by the Mutual-Aid Association in addition to the mutual-aid money for retirement calculated under paragraph (1), after obtaining approval from the Minister of Employment and Labor.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22269, Jul. 12, 2010>


(3) The Mutual-Aid Association shall pay mutual-aid money for retirement and special mutual aid money for retirement in a lump sum.


Article 14 (Calculation Methods of Mutual-Aid Money for Retirement, etc.) (1) The interest rate which forms the basis of application in calculating interest under Article 13 (1) (hereinafter referred to as "basic interest rate") shall be the earnings rate calculated based upon the operating profit, etc. of mutual-aid installments accrued in each year: Provided, That where no basic interest rate is finalized, the basic interest rate of the previous year shall apply.


(2) The interest under Article 13 (1) shall be compounded monthly by applying monthly basic interest rate of the relevant year. In such cases, the period for calculating interest shall be from the payment date of a mutual-aid installment to the date on which the payment of mutual-aid money for retirement is requested.


(3) The Mutual-Aid Association shall publicly announce the monthly basic interest rate of each year by not later than the end of February of the following year.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22269, Jul. 12, 2010>


Article 15 (Return of Mutual-Aid Money for Retirement Received by Illegal Means) The amount which can be requested to be returned under Article 16 (1) of the Act shall be double the amount deemed received by false or other unlawful means out of the amount received as mutual-aid money for retirement.


Article 16 (Entrustment of Receipt of Mutual-Aid Money for Retirement) (1) Where a person eligible to receive mutual-aid money for retirement under Article 20 (2) of the Act is unable to receive the mutual-aid money for retirement directly , due to any injury or disease, he/she may entrust any of his/her family members to receive it.


(2) If a person entrusted to receive mutual-aid money for retirement under paragraph (1) intends to receive it, he/she shall submit documents evidencing his/her family relations and the fact that he/she is entrusted to receive the mutual -aid money for retirement to the Mutual-Aid Association.


(3) Where any entrustment to receive mutual-aid money for retirement has been granted under paragraph (1), the Mutual-Aid Association shall verify to a person who has the right to receive the relevant mutual-aid money for retirement, as whether he/she has granted the entrustment.


Article 17 (Entrustment of Affairs) (1) The Mutual-Aid Association may, after obtaining approval from the Ministry of Employment and Labor, assign a bank defined in Article 2 (1) 2 of the Banking Act or a communications agency to perform the following affairs on its behalf:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22269, Jul. 12, 2010; Presidential Decree No. 22493, Nov. 15, 2010>


1. Payment of mutual-aid money for retirement under Article 14 (1) of the Act;


2. Receipt of mutual-aid installments under Article 12 (1).


(2) The Mutual-Aid Association may pay agency commission to an institution that performs the affairs specified in the subparagraphs of paragraph (1).


Article 18 (Request, etc. for Report) (1) Requests for reports and submission of data under Article 23 (1) of the Act shall be made in writing.


(2) In issuing an order for improvement under Article 23 (3) of the Act, the recipient shall be requested to take improvement measures within two months, and the period may be extended only once in extenuating circumstances.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011>


Article 19 (Delegation of Authority) The Minister of Employment and Labor shall delegate the following authority to the heads of regional labor offices under Article 6 of the Government Organization Act:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22269, Jul. 12, 2010>


1.Requesting business owners and the Mutual-Aid Association to file reports and to submit data, and issuing corrective orders and giving other necessary instructions thereto under Article 23 (1) of the Act;


2.Imposition of administrative fines on business owners and the Mutual-Aid Association and the collection thereof under Article 26 of the Act.


Article 19-2 (Management of Personally Identifiable Information) The Minister of Employment and Labor (including persons to whom part of business is entrusted or re-entrusted under Article 7 (2) of the Act) or the Mutual-Aid Association (including persons entrusted to perform business under Article 9-2 (3) of the Act) may manage the resident registration numbers or alien registration numbers under subparagraph 1 or 4 of Article 19 of the Enforcement Decree of the Personal Information Protection Act, if it is inevitable to perform the following affairs:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 25532, Aug. 6, 2014>


1. Affairs related to the improvement of employment management, stabilization of employment and development and enhancement, etc. of vocational abilities of construction workers under the subparagraphs of Article 7 (1) of the Act;


2. Affairs related to the stability of employment of construction workers and the development and elevation of their vocational abilities, and support for finding jobs under Article 9-2 (1) 6-2 of the Act;


3. Affairs related to the issuance of certificates of career experience under Article 9-3 of the Act;


4. Affairs related to deeming a subcontractor as the business owner under the latter part of Article 10 (1) of the Act;


5. Affairs related to approval for subscription to retirement mutual aid under Article 10 (2) of the Act;


6. Affairs related to reporting on establishment of entitlement of mutual-aid for retirement under Article 10-4 of the Act;


7. Affairs related to the payment of mutual-aid installments under Article 13 (1) of the Act;


8. Affairs related to the payment of mutual-aid money for retirement under Articles 14 and 15 (1) of the Act;


9. Affairs related to requesting return of mutual-aid money for retirement under Article 16 of the Act.


[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 23488, Jan. 6, 2012]


Article 19-3 (Re-examination of Regulations) The Minister of Employment and Labor shall examine the appropriateness of the following matters every three years counting from the following base dates (referring to immediately before every third anniversary from the base date), and shall take measures for improvement, etc.:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 27751, Dec. 30, 2016>


1.Designation of and reporting on persons responsible for employment management under Article 3-2: January 1, 2017;


2. Composition of the board of directors under Article 5-4: January 1, 2017.


[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 25840, Dec. 9, 2014]


Article 20 (Criteria for Imposition of Administrative Fines) The criteria for imposition of administrative fines under Article 26 (1) through (3) of the Act are as stated in the attached Table.


[This Article Wholly Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22803, Mar. 30, 2011]



 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22269, Jul. 12, 2010>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22493, Nov. 15, 2010>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 22803, Mar. 30, 2011>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23253, Oct. 26, 2011>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 23488, Jan. 6, 2012>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24155, Oct. 29, 2012>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 24447, Mar. 23, 2013>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 25532, Aug. 6, 2014>


This Decree shall enter into force on August 7, 2014.


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 25840, Dec. 9, 2014>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27444, Aug. 11, 2016>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA <Presidential Decree No. 27751, Dec. 30, 2016>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDUM <Presidential Decree No. 29972, Jul. 9, 2019>


This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.