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发布人:春秋智谷  /  发布时间:2021-04-12 10:24:36  

Article 53 (Restrictions on Subsidization for Insurance Business Agencies) (1) Where an insurance business agency incurs any loss to collection of insurance premiums and other money collectable, COMWEL may reduce the relevant subsidies for vicarious execution of collection business and subsidies for vicarious management, etc. of the insured by the equivalent of such loss.

(2) Where an insurance business agency fails on at least two occasions to comply with a corrective order issued by the head of the competent employment security agency for neglecting to file a report, etc. on the acquisition or forfeiture of an insured status for employment insurance, COMWEL shall reduce the subsidies for vicarious management, etc. of the insured for such insurance business agency by 50/100; and where an insurance business agency fails to do so on at least three occasions, COMWEL shall not grant any subsidies for vicarious management, etc. of the insured to such insurance business agency.

[This Article Wholly Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22408, Sep. 29, 2010]

Article 54 (Bearing Subsidies for Vicarious Execution of Insurance Business) (1) Subsidies for vicarious execution of collection business shall be borne by the Employment Insurance Fund and the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance and Prevention Fund, for the share of the employment insurance and industrial accident insurance in the amount paid by a business owner who has delegated insurance business.

(2) Each half of the subsidies for facilitation of application and the subsidies for vicarious management, etc. of the insured, shall be borne by the Employment Insurance Fund and the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance and Prevention Fund: Provided, That where relevant business is limited to employment insurance or industrial accident insurance, all of such subsidies shall be borne by the Employment Insurance Fund or the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance and Prevention Fund.

[This Article Wholly Amended by Presidential Decree No. 22408, Sep. 29, 2010]

Article 54-2 (Scope of Data subject to Request for Provision) "Data prescribed by Presidential Decree" in the former part of Article 40 (1) of the Act means any of the following:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 26302, Jun. 1, 2015; Presidential Decree No. 26809, Dec. 30, 2015; Presidential Decree No. 28161, Jun. 27, 2017; Presidential Decree No. 29455, Dec. 31, 2018>

1. Data on reports by workplaces; and data on the monthly insurance contributions for the employee insured referred to in the National Health Insurance Act;

2. Data on reports on workplace-based insured persons; and data on the imposition of monthly pension contributions referred to in the National Pension Act;

3. Business registration data referred to in the Value-Added Tax Act;

4. Data on persons enrolled in the pension scheme for private school teachers and staff referred to in the Pension for Private School Teachers and Staff Act;

5.Data on permission for, and reports on, the felling of standing timber, and extracting or gathering of forest products referred to in the Creation and Management of Forest Resources Act;

6. Data on registration of fire-fighting system installation business; and data on the past performance of fire-fighting system installations referred to in the Fire-Fighting System Installation Business Act;

7. Data on policyholders of accident compensation insurance for fishing vessel crew members referred to in the Act on Accident Compensation Insurance for Fishers and Fishing Vessels;

8. Data on registration of electrical construction business; and data on the past performance of electrical construction works referred to in the Electrical Construction Business Act;

9. Data relating to construction projects, in the contract-related information referred to in the Electronic Procurement Utilization and Promotion Act;

10. Data relating to construction projects, among data on reports on the results of contracts referred to in the Act on Contracts to Which the State Is a Party;

11. Data on registration of information and communications construction business; and data on the past performance of information and communications construction works referred to in the Information and Communications Construction Business Act;

12. Resident registration data referred to in the Resident Registration Act;

13. Data required to collect insurance premiums or other money collectable, such as a certified copy of a construction machinery register, and data on registration of construction machinery business referred to in the Construction Machinery Management Act; a certified copy of a building register referred to in the Building Act; a certified copy of a motor vehicle register referred to in the Motor Vehicle Management Act; and a certified copy of a site parcels-register and a forest area parcels-register referred to in the Act on the Establishment and Management of Spatial Data;

14.Data required to verify the formation and termination of an insurance relationship and to impose, collect, and settle insurance premiums, such as data on registration of construction business, data on reports on discontinuance or transfer of business, and data on the past performance of construction works referred to in the Framework Act on the Construction Industry; data on building permission or building reports, data on reports on the commencement of construction works, data on revocation of building permission, and data on approval for use of buildings referred to in the Building Act;

15.Data required to verify the formation and termination of an insurance relationship, remunerations of employees, and objects eligible for subsidization for employment insurance premiums, such as data on global income in the reports on withholding of income tax, statements of payment of wage and salary income, and in preliminary and final returns on the tax base for global income tax, and data on business income of persons in special types of employment specified in the statements of payment of business income of residents referred to in the Income Tax Act; data on remuneration in the standard statement of profit or loss referred to in the Corporate Tax Act; and data on the total amount in the statement of tax bases among the reports on value-added tax for general taxable persons referred to in the Value-Added Tax Act;

16. Property taxation data referred to in the Local Tax Act;

17. Data on the insured by the public officials pension under the Public Officials Pension Act;

18. Registration data on housing constructors and housing construction work records under the Housing Act;

19. Registration data on cultural heritage repair business entities and cultural heritage repair records under the Act on Cultural Heritage Maintenance;

20.Any of the following data required to verify the formation and termination of an insurance relationship and to impose insurance premiums:

(a) Data on social welfare foundations and social welfare facilities defined in subparagraphs 3 and 4 of Article 2 of the Social Welfare Services Act, and on employees thereof;

(b) Data on social service providers defined in subparagraph 4 of Article 2 of the Act on the Use of Social Services and the Management of Vouchers, and on employees thereof;

(c) Data on child-care centers defined in subparagraph 3 of Article 2 of the Child Care Act, and on infant care teachers and staff defined in subparagraph 5 of Article 2 of the same Act;

(d) Data on persons engaging in self-supporting labor activities under Article 15 of the National Basic Living Security Act.

[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 25047, Dec. 30, 2013]