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Korea-Labor Law-"Employment Insurance Law" enforcement date December 30, 2002 Article 95 to supplementary provisions

发布人:春秋智谷  /  发布时间:2021-04-12 14:24:42  

Article 95 (Report on Settlement of Accounts of Fund)


The Minister of Labor shall draft the following documents related to the settlement of accounts of the fund for each fiscal year, and shall submit it by the end of February of the next fiscal year, to the Minister of Finance and Economy following review by the Employment Policy Deliberation Council, according to the Framework Act on Employment Policy:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 15829, Jul. 1, 1998>


1. Documents on the general condition and analysis of the statement of accounts of the fund;


2. Financial statements such as balance sheet, profit and loss settlement, etc.;


3. Operational plan of the fund and comparative list of actual achievements;


4. Earnings and expenditure statement of accounts; and


5. Other documents necessary to clarify the contents of the settlement of accounts.


Article 96 (Receipts and Disbursements of Reserve Fund)


Necessary matters related to receipts and disbursements of the reserve fund and spare money of the fund under Article 72 of the Act shall be determined by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor.


Article 97 (Budget and Accounts Act Applied Mutatis Mutandis)


Matters which are not prescribed by the provisions of this Act or this Decree regarding the operation or management of the fund, shall be carried out under the provisions of the Budget and Accounts Act.




Article 98 (Qualifications of Examiner)


The employment insurance examiner (hereinafter referred to as “examiner”) under Article 75 of the Act shall be appointed from among the public officials affiliated with the Ministry of Labor and shall fulfill one of the following descriptions:


1.A person who has held office previously at the fifth level or higher of regular government service in the Ministry of Labor and who has worked on affairs related to examinations or applications for reexaminations on employment insurance for more than one year;


2.A person who has held office previously at the fifth level or higher of regular government service in the Ministry of Labor and has worked in employment insurance affairs for more than two years; and


3.Other persons who are recognized by the Minister of Labor as having the equivalent of the qualifications listed in paragraph (1) or (2).


Article 98-2 (Assignment and functions of Examiner) (1) Examiners referred to in Article 75 (3) of the Act shall be assigned to a Regional Labor Administration Office.


(2) Examiners shall take charge of examination affairs and case study on the request for examination of the Regional Labor Administration Office and its affiliated offices.


[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 15829, Jul. 1, 1998]


Article 99 (Method of Application for Challenge) (1) The application for challenge to the examiner under Article 75 (4) of the Act shall be in writing with the reasons clearly indicated.


(2) When the Minister of Labor receives the application for challenge under paragraph (1), he shall make a decision within 15 days and notify the applicant.


Article 100 (Report on Succession to Status of Applicant)


The person who succeeds to the status of the examination applicant under Article 75 (5) of the Act shall report to the examiner in writing, attaching the documents by which to prove the succession.


Article 101 (Method of Request for Examination) (1) Each of the following matters shall be stated on the documents of the request for examination under Article 75-3 of the Act:


1. Name and address of the claimant;


2. Name of disposition office which is the other party to claim;


3. Contents of disposition of the subject of the examination request;


4. Date of coming into knowledge of the disposition;


5. Existence and contents of the notification regarding the request for examination by the other party to claim disposition office;


6. Purport and reasons for examination request; and


7. Date of request.


(2) If the request for examination is instituted by a selected representative or agent, the name and address of the selected representative or agent in addition to the matters of paragraph (1) shall be stated.


(3) The written documents of paragraph (1) shall be signed and sealed by the claimant or the agent.


Article 102 (Revision of Request for Examination) (1) Revision of the request for examination under Article 75-4 (2) of the Act requests the presentation of documents with the following written contents:


1. Matters to revise;


2. Reasons for demanding revision;


3. Period of revision; and


4. Other necessary matters.


(2) If the examiner revises the request for examination with his authority under Article 75-4 (2) of the Act, he shall notify this to the person concerned.


Article 103 (Notification of Transfer)


The notification of transfer of the request for examination under Article 75-5 (1) of the Act shall be in written form with the following matters stated:


1.Name and position of the examiner to be transferred;


2. Reason for transfer; and


3. Date of transfer.


Article 104 (Notification about Suspension of Execution of Original Dispositions)


The following matters shall be stated on the document of notification about suspension of execution under Article 75-6 (2) of the Act:


1. Case name of the request for examination;


2. Disposition of the object of suspension of execution and the contents of the suspension of execution;


3. Name and address of the claimant;


4. Name of disposition office which is the other party to claim; and


5. Reasons for suspension of execution.


Article 105 (Application of Investigation for Trial) (1) The application of investigation for trial related to the request for examination under Article 75-7 (1) of the Act shall be in written form with the following matters stated:


1. Case name of the request for examination;


2. Purport and reasons of the application;


3.Name and address of the related persons who are required to be present (restricted to the case of Article 75-7 (1) 1 of the Act);


4.Name and address of operator or custodian of documents, and other materials required to be submitted (restricted to the case of Article 75-7 (1) 2 of the Act);


5. Reasons for the legal consultation (restricted to the case of Article 757 (1) 3 of the Act); and


6.Business place and other places to enter, business operator, employees and other related persons to question, documents and other materials to inspect (restricted to the case of Article 75-7 (1) 3 of the Act).


(2) When the examiner inspects the evidence under Article 75-7 (1) of the Act, he shall draft an evidence inspection protocol. In this case, when he receives the statement from the examination claimant or the related person under Article 75-7 (1) 1 of the Act, he shall make the written protocol statement and annex it.


(3) The following matters shall be stated on the evidence inspection protocol of paragraph (2) and the examiner shall sign and seal it:


1. Indication of the case;


2. Date, time and place of the inspection;


3. Subject of inspection and method of inspection; and


4. Result of inspection.


Article 106 (Written Decision)


The decision on the request for examination under Article 75-9 of the Act shall be by the written verdict with the following matters stated, and this shall be signed and sealed by the examiner:


1. Case number and case name;


2. Name and address of the claimant;


3. Name of disposition office who is the claimee;


4. Main text;


5. Reason of the claim;


6. Reasons; and


7. Date of decision.


Article 107 (Commission and Appointment of Examination Committee Members) (1) Among the members of the employment insurance examination committee (hereinafter referred to as the “examination committee”) under Article 76 (1) of the Act, members representing the workers shall be recommended by the labor union which is the overall alliance organization, and members representing the business operators shall be recommended by the business operators' association of nationwide scale, and each shall be commissioned by the President on a recommendation of the Minister of Labor.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 17090, Dec. 30, 2000>


(2) Of the members of the examination committee, those except for the members representing the workers, the members representing the business operators and the ex officio members shall be commissioned by the President on a recommendation of the Minister of Labor from among those who fall under one of the following subparagraphs: Provided, That the standing members shall be commissioned by the President on a recommendation of the Minister of Labor from among those who fall under subparagraph 3 or 4:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 15829, Jul. 1, 1998; Presidential Decree No. 17090, Dec. 30, 2000>


1.A person licensed as judge or prosecutor or lawyer;


2.A person currently holding office or who held office previously as an assistant professor or higher position in a university under the Higher Education Act;


3.A person currently holding office or who held office at the third level or higher as a public official;


4.A person who has worked in labor relations affairs for not less than fifteen years and who is recognized by the Minister of Labor as a qualified person; and


5.A person who has profound academic knowledge and experience related to social insurance and employment matters and who is recognized by the Minister of Labor as a qualified person.


(3) The Minister of Labor shall appoint one ex officio member from among public officials of Grade or Grade who are in charge of employment matters in the Ministry of Labor.


Article 108 (Term of Office for Members) (1) The term of office for the examination committee members shall be three years and they may be reappointed. The term of office for the ex officio member under Article 107 (3) shall be the period during which he is in charge of the employment insurance affairs.


(2) Deleted.  <by Presidential Decree No. 17090, Dec. 30, 2000>


Article 109 (Treatment of Members)


The members other than the standing members and the ex officio member who are present at the examination committee meetings may be paid an allowance necessary for performing their duties and the travel expenses within the budget. In this case, the travel expenses shall be paid by applying mutatis mutandis the regulation for public official's travel expenses.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 17090, Dec. 30, 2000>


Article 110 (Chairman and Vice-chairman) (1) The examination committee shall have one chairman and one vicechairman.


(2) The chairman of the examination committee shall be appointed by the President on a recommendation of the Minister of Labor from among the standing members, and the vice-chairman of the committee shall be elected from among the members.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 17090, Dec. 30, 2000>


Article 111 (Duties) (1) The chairman shall represent the examination committee and preside over the affairs of the examination committee.


(2) The vice-chairman shall assist the chairman and when the chairman is unable to discharge his duties on the unavoidable grounds, the viceChairman shall act for him.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 17853, Dec. 30, 2002>


Article 112 (Meetings) (1) Any meeting of the examination committee shall be composed of and operated by nine persons or fewer including the chairman or vice-chairman, ex officio members, and each member representing labor and management designated by the chairman at each meeting.  <Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 15829, Jul. 1, 1998; Presidential Decree No. 15902, Oct. 1, 1998>


(2) When the chairman of the examination committee desires to convene a meeting, he shall notify in writing the time and place and agenda of the meeting to each member by 5 days before the commencing of the meeting: Provided, That this shall not apply to the case of an emergency.


(3) Meetings of the examination committee shall be held with the attendance of a majority of all the constituent members organized pursuant to paragraph (1) and decisions shall be made by affirmative vote of a majority of members present.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 15829, Jul. 1, 1998>


Article 112-2 (Employment of Researcher and Surveyor) (1) The Minister of Labor may have researchers and surveyors to conduct special research and survey on the affairs of reexamination of the examination committee under Article 76 (8) of the Act.


(2) Necessary matters concerning qualifications, services and salaries, etc. of researchers and surveyors shall be prescribed by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 17853, Dec. 30, 2002>


[This Article Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 16095, Feb. 1, 1999]


Article 113 (Notification)


The notification of the examination date and place under Article 76-3 (1) of the Act shall be in written form, and it shall be delivered in person or by registered mail.


Article 114 (Application for Closed Proceedings)


The application for closed proceedings under Article 76-3 (3) of the Act shall be in written form with the purport and reasons stated.


Article 115 (Protocol of Trial) (1) The following matters shall be stated on the protocol of trial under Article 76-3 (4) of the Act:


1. Name and number of the case;


2. Date, time and place of the trial;


3. Names of the members present;


4. Name of the concerned person present or his agent;


5. Contents of the trial; and


6. Other necessary matters.


(2) The trial protocol of paragraph (1) shall be stated with the date of writing of the protocol and it shall be signed and sealed by the chairman.


(3) The application for perusal under Article 76-3 (6) of the Act shall be in writing.


Article 116 Deleted. <by Presidential Decree No. 17853, Dec. 30, 2002>


Article 117 (Method of Request for Reexamination) (1) The request for reexamination under Article 74 of the Act shall be in a written document with the following matters stated:  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 17090, Dec. 30, 2000>


1. Name and address of the claimant;


2. Matters of Article 101 (1) 2 through 4;


3. Name of the examiner who made the decision;


4. Date the decision became known;


5. Existence or nonexistence of notification and contents of notification related to the request for reexamination to the examiner who made the decision;


5-2. Purport of and reasons for the request for reexamination; and


6. Date of request for reexamination.


(2) When the request for reexamination is instituted by a selected representative or agent, it shall state the name and address of the selected representative or agent in addition to the matters of paragraph (1).


(3) The claimant or the agent shall sign and seal the documents of paragraph (1).


Article 118 (Written Adjudication)


The written adjudication on the request for reexamination shall have the following matters stated and the chairman of the examination committee and the members who were present at the examination shall sign and seal it:


1. Name and number of the case;


2. Name and address of the claimant;


3. Name of the original disposition office;


4. Name of the examiner who made the adjudication on the request for examination;


5. Text of the judgement;


6. Purport of the request;


7. Reasons; and


8. Date of the adjudication.


Article 119 (Mutatis Mutantis Application)


The provisions of Articles 99, 100, 102, 104 and 105 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the examination committee and the reexamination. In this case, the “examiner” under Article 99 shall be deemed the “member of the examination committee,” the “Minister of Labor”, the “chairman of the examination committee”, the “applicant for examination”, under Articles 100 and 105 shall be deemed the “applicant for reexamination”, the “examiner” under Articles 100, 102 and 105 shall be deemed the “chairman of the examination committee” and the “application for examination” under Articles 102, 104 and 105 shall be deemed deemed the “application for reexamination”, respectively.


[This Article Wholly Amended by Presidential Decree No. 17853, Dec. 30, 2002]




Article 120 (Obligation to Preserve Documents)


The business operator who is or was subject to the Act and persons who are or were responsible heads of the employment insurance affairs association and are or were subject to the Act shall preserve all documents related to the insurance affairs for three years from their completion date.


Article 121 (Notices on Essentials of Act, etc.) (1) The business operator shall put up notices in a place where they are easily visible, to inform his workers of necessary matters related to essentials of provisions in Acts and subordinate statutes concerning employment insurance that affect the workers and of the establishment of the insurance relationship.


(2) When the insurance relationship expires, the business operator shall put up a notice to inform the workers of the expiration date.


Article 122 (Expenses for Diagnosis)


When the head of the vocational stabilization agency orders a diagnosis under Article 82 of the Act, he may pay the actual expenses necessary for the diagnosis.


Article 123 (Delegation of Authority, etc.) (1) The Minister of Labor shall delegate the authority on matters falling under the following subparagraphs to the head of the vocational stabilization agency under the provisions of Article 84 of the Act:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 16464, Jul. 1, 1999; Presidential Decree No. 16705, Feb. 9, 2000; Presidential Decree No. 7471, Dec. 31, 2001>


1.The support for employment adjustment under the provisions of Article 16 of the Act;


2. The promotion of regional employment under the provisions of Article 17 of the Act;


3.The promotion of employment for the aged under the provisions of Article 18 of the Act;


3-2. The support for employment stabilization of construction workers, etc. under the provisions of Article 18-2 of the Act;


4. Restrictions on the support due to the acts of illegality under the provisions of Articles 20-2 and 26-3 of the Act;


5.The support for the professional ability development training for business operators under the provisions of Article 22 of the Act;


6. The support for the vocational ability development of the insured under the provisions of Article 24 of the Act;


6-2. The payment of and the payment restriction on the temporary retirement benefits for childcare under Articles 55-2 and 55-5 of the Act;


6-3. The payment of and the payment restriction on the maternity leave benefits before and after childbirth;


7. The approval of dispositions taken to collect fees in arrears and deficit disposals under the provisions of Article 65 of the Act;


8. The report, the submission of relevant documents and the demand to be present under the provisions of Article 80 of the Act (limited to the case where such matters are needed to deal with the delegated administrative affairs;


9. The access to offices, questions to persons concerned and the investigation of documents under the provisions of Article 81 of the Act (limited to the case where such matters are needed to deal with the delegated administrative affairs);


10. The imposition and collection of fines for negligence under the provisions of Article 86 of the Act;


11.The financial support for the operation of workplace childcare facilities under the provisions of Article 24 (3); and


12. Deleted.  <by Presidential Decree No. 17853, Dec. 30, 2002>


(2) Under Article 84 of the Act, the Minister of Labor shall delegate his authority on matters falling under any of the following subparagraphs to the Labor Welfare Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as the “Labor Welfare Corporation”) established under the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act:   <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 14935, Mar. 9, 1996; Presidential Decree No. 15367, May 8, 1997; Presidential Decree No. 16095, Feb. 1, 1999; Presidential Decree No. 16464, Jul. 1, 1999; Presidential Decree No. 16705, Feb. 9, 2000>


1.The cancellation or approval of an insurance contract under the provisions of Article 9 (2) and (3) of the Act, the extinction of an insurance relationship under the provisions of Article 9 (4) of the same Act and the approval and cancellation of an insurance contract for a subcontractor under the provisions of Article 9 (5) of the same Act;


1-2. The across-the-board application of the business and the approval of the cancellation of the application under the provisions of Article 10-2 (2) and (3) of the Act;


1-3. Insurance premiums and impositions under the Act from among the earnings of the fund, refunds under Article 48 of the Act (meaning the case where the mutatis mutandis application is made in Articles 49 (5) and 55 of the Act) and the arrangement of receipts of refunds under Article 26 (1) of this Decree (including the case where the mutatis mutandis application is made in Article 37);


2. The collection of insurance premiums under the provisions of Article 56 of the Act;


3. The survey collection, additional collection and reduction adjustment of rough insurance premiums under the provisions of Article 60 (3) of the Act;


4.The survey collection of final insurance premiums and other business involving returns and collections at the end of exact calculation under the provisions of 61 (2) of the Act;


5. The approval of an employment insurance cooperative established under Article 64 of the Act, a report on altering contents of the approval, the receipt of a report on the dissolution of an employment insurance cooperative and other administrative affairs involving employment insurance cooperatives;


6.The appropriation and return of insurance premiums paid in excess, the collection of additional insurance premiums and insurance premiums in arrears, the urging of payments of impositions, dispositions against insurance premiums in arrears and deficits disposal under the provisions of Article 65 of the Act ;


7.The submission of reports and relevant documents, and the demand the attendance of meetings under the provisions of Article 80 of the Act (limited to the case where such matters are needed to deal with the delegated administrative affairs);


8. The access to offices, questions to persons concerned and the investigation of documents (limited to the case where such matters are needed to deal with the delegated administrative affairs) under the provisions of Article 81 of the Act;


8-2. The request for the submission of data under the provisions of Article 81-2 of the Act (limited to the case where deemed necessary for carrying out the entrusted affairs);


9. The selection of agents and the acceptance of a report on their dismissal under the provisions of Article 4;


10. The receipt of a report on the establishment of an insurance relationship or the extinction of such a relationship under the provisions of Article 5;


11.The approval of a voluntary insurance contract for employment stabilization activities or the cancellation of the contract under the provisions of Article 6 (2) and (3);


12. The approval of the cancellation of a legal fiction insurance contract for employment stabilization activities under the provisions of Article 8;


13. The acceptance of a report on the alteration of the insurance relationship or the business subject (or not subject) to the preferential support under the provisions of Article 9;


14. The receipt of a report on the commencement of a business or the termination of a business under the provisions of Article 9-3;


15. The receipt of a report on the continued application of an insurance relationship under the provisions of Article 9-4;


16. The business involving support and loan for the setup of workplace nursery facilities under the provisions of Article 24 (4) and other matters concerning the management and operation of the loans; and


17. The reduction adjustment of rough insurance premiums and returns under the provisions of Article 72.


(3) The Minister of Labor shall delegate his authority concerning the matter falling under each of the following subparagraphs to the Korea Manpower Agency established pursuant to the Korea Manpower Agency Act in accordance with Article 84 of the Act:  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 17853, Dec. 30, 2002>


1. The work of extending loans used to cover the cost of installing vocational ability development training facilities, etc. and the matter concerning the adminstration and operation of loans under Article 32; and


2. The work of financially supporting the cost of installing vocational ability development training facilities, etc. and the matter concerning the administration and operation of loans under Article 33 (excluding the matter concerning the determination of the financial support).


(4) The head of the Labor Welfare Corporation or the head of the Korea Manpower Agency shall appoint fund accounting directors from among the standing directors of the Corporation or the Agency, and fund accounting staff from among the staff thereof to carry out entrusted affairs pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3), and file a report to the Minister of Labor. In this case, the fund accounting directors shall perform the works of the fund accounting commander, and the fund accounting staff, those of the fund accounting official.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 15367, May 8, 1997; Presidential Decree No. 15587, Dec. 31, 1997; Presidential Decree No. 16705, Feb. 9, 2000>


(5) The provisions on a financial commissioner and revenue collector in the Liability of Accounting Personnel, etc. Act, apply mutatis mutandis to the fund accounting director, and the provisions on disbursement officers and accounting official thereof, to the fund accounting staff, respectively.  <Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 15367, May 8, 1997>


(6) The Minister of Labor shall notify the Chairperson of the Board of Audit and Inspection and the President of the Bank of Korea of the appointments of the fund accounting directors and fund accounting staff pursuant to paragraph (4).  <Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 15367, May 8, 1997; Presidential Decree No. 16705, Feb. 9, 2000>


(7) In the case of entrustment to the Labor Welfare Corporation, as in paragraph (2), an entrustment fee is paid from the general account.




Article 124 (Imposition of Fine for Negligence) (1) When the Minister of Labor imposes a fine for negligence under Article 86 (4) of the Act, the Minister of Labor shall indicate the type of offense committed, the amount of the fine for negligence, and the expiration date for payment, and shall notify these in writing to the person who is subject to the imposition of fine for negligence, after investigating and confirming the offense committed.


(2) When the Minister of Labor imposes a fine for negligence, he shall determine a period of not less than ten days during which the person who is subject to the fine may have an opportunity to state his defense. In this case, when no defense has been raised by the designated date, it is recognized that no defense will be raised.


(3) The Minister of Labor shall consider the motive and the result of the offense committed when he determines the amount of fine for negligence, and the criteria for such imposition shall be as the attached Table.  <Amended by Presidential Decree No. 17090, Dec. 30, 2000>


(4) The procedure for collecting the fine for negligence shall be determined by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Labor.  <Newly Inserted by Presidential Decree No. 17090, Dec. 30, 2000>



 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 14628, Apr. 15, 1995>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 14935, Mar. 9, 1996>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDUM<Presidential Decree No. 15092, Jun. 29, 1996>


This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 1996.


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 15367, May 8, 1997>


(1) (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Articles 5, 9-2 through 9-4, 10 (2), 23-2, 35-2 and 68-2 shall enter into force on January 1, 1998.


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 15569, Dec. 31, 1997>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 15581, Dec. 31, 1997>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDUM<Presidential Decree No. 15587, Dec. 31, 1997>


This Decree shall enter into force on January 1, 1998.


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 15624, Feb. 12, 1998>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDUM<Presidential Decree No. 15683, Feb. 24, 1998>


This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 15829, Jul. 1, 1998>


(1) (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on July 1, 1998: Provided, That the amendments to Articles 27 through 30, 30-2, 31 (limited to those that convert “vocational training or education and training” into “Vocational abilities development training”), 32, 33, 34, 34-2, 35, 35-2, 36, 37, 69, 76, 123 (1) 5, 22-2, 24, 26 and 27 shall enter into force on January 1, 1999.


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 15902, Oct. 1, 1998>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 16093, Jan. 29, 1999>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 16095, Feb. 1, 1999>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 16464, Jul. 1, 1999>


(1) (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That The amended provisions of Article 123 shall enter into force on October 1, 1999 while the amended provisions of Article 69 (1) 2 ( d) shall enter into force on January 1, 2000.


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 16705, Feb. 9, 2000>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 17090, Dec. 30, 2000>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 17301, Jul. 7, 2001>


(1) (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDUM<Presidential Decree No. 17403, Oct. 31, 2001>


This Decree shall enter into force on November 1, 2001.


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 17471, Dec. 31, 2001>


(1) (Enforcement Date) This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.


 Supplementary provisions  ADDENDA<Presidential Decree No. 17853, Dec. 30, 2002>


Article 1 (Enforcement Date)


This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation: Provided, That the amended provisions of Article 3 (2) 1 shall enter into force on January 1, 2004.


Article 2 (Application Example concerning Early Reemployment Allowance)


The amended provisions of Article 62 (2) shall apply, starting with any person who is reemployed and entitled to receive the early reemployment allowance after the enforcement of this Decree.


Article 3 (Application Example concerning Insurance Premium Rate)


The amended provisions of Article 69 (1) shall apply, starting with the 2003 insurance year.


Article 4 (Transitional Measure concerning Subsidies for Promotion of Employment of the Long-Term Unemployed)


When any business operator is entitled to receive subsidies for the promotion of the employment of the long-term unemployed under the previous provisions of Article 22-2 at the time of enforcement of this Decree, his case shall be governed by the previous provisions, notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 22-2.


Article 5 (Provisional Measure concerning Support for Retirement Mutual Aid Payments for Construction Workers)


The support for retirement mutual aid payments for any business operator who employs workers who are given the construction worker welfare pocketbooks (hereinafter referred to as the “pocketbook”) in accordance with the previous provisions at the time of enforcement of this Decree shall be governed by the previous provisions until all pages of the support for mutual aid payments on each of their pocketbooks bear postmarks, notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 23-2.


Article 6 (Transitional Measure concerning Amount of Childcare-related Temporary Retirement Benefits)


The amount of the childcare-related temporary retirement benefits to be paid to the person who is entitled under the previous provisions at the time of enforcement of this Decree for the childcare-related temporary retirement taken prior to the enforcement of this Decree shall be governed by the pervious provisions, notwithstanding the amended provisions of Article 68-3 (1).